Evaluate Cutpoints
an user-friendly application for survival analysis
Evaluate Cutpoints is an user-friendly application developed in R environment for optimization of cutpoints in biomedical research. Many recent studies are focused on identification of biomarker that can serve as a prognostic factor and further corresponding relationship with clinical effect. As a result of increasing interest in use of dichotomization of continuous variables involving clinical or epidemiological data (gene expression, biomarkers, biochemical parameters, etc.) there is a large demand for cutpoint determination tools. Evaluate Cutpoints offers wide range of statistical methods for stratification of input population into two or three groups based on cutpoint determined from continuous variables as well as corresponding graphical output, which may be used in scientific publications.
Evaluate Cutpoints is freely available application based on R scripts. It comes with no warranty. User can present and use arising results, however we kindly ask you to cite publication supporting the application.
Publication is available at: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169260718312252
Evaluate Cutpoints user's manual [download]
- Install R for your operating system. Installation files may be found here.
- Install RStudio Desktop for your operating system. Installation files may be found here.
- Download application files: server.R, global.R, ui.R, styles.css and place them into common location on your computer.
- Open server.R with RStudio and click Run App.
- Application files: server.R, global.R, ui.R, styles.css [download]
- Example files
- Breast Invasive Carcinoma cohort from The Cancer Genome Atlas for survival analysis according to expression of ESR1, PGR and ERBB2 receptors and disease recurrence.
[download] - Breast Invasive Carcinoma cohort from The Cancer Genome Atlas with immunohistochemical determination of ESR1, PGR and ERBB2 receptors combined with survival information and expression data.
- Breast Invasive Carcinoma cohort from The Cancer Genome Atlas for survival analysis according to expression of ESR1, PGR and ERBB2 receptors and disease recurrence.
EvaluateCutpoints in the user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) form allows to manually perform the analyses on single biomarkers. If your aim is to automatically analyze multiple biomarkers, please use the ready-to-use R package available at GitHub repository https://github.com/mogluszka/evaluateCutpoints. Installation guide and user's vignette are also available therein.
Some of the users may encounter an installation-related issue due to a lack of d3heatmap R package. If so, please use the following commands:
- install.packages("devtools")
- devtools::install_github("rstudio/d3heatmap")
- followed by launching EvaluateCutpoints app, as shown in the User Guide.
Please feel free to contact us
- Head of Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis
Andrzej K. Bednarek andrzej.bednarek[at]umed.lodz.pl - Magdalena Orzechowska magdalena.orzechowska[at]umed.lodz.pl